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Learn The Secrets Of The Pros: Get The Body Of Your Dreams Eating Foods You Love!

Why Get The Book?

  • Lose Weight

    Learn how to lose weight successfully and with ease. Plus learn how to maintain your weight loss in the future.

  • Build Muscle

    Learn how to build muscle properly by adding lean quality muscle mass NOT just weight gain.

  • Lose Body Fat

    Learn how to lose body fat and dramatically improve your body composition.

  • Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

    Learn the keys to successfully maintain a healthy lifestyle long into the future and keep all your hard earned results.

  • Avoid Restrictive Diets

    Learn how you can achieve your fitness and health goals and build your perfect physique eating all the foods you love. No need to deprive yourself or restrict “bad” foods ever again.

  • Build Your Perfect Physique!

    Learn how to apply the key principles and methods in this book to set yourself up for success and ultimately build your perfect physique.

Achieve Greater Success In Fitness And All Areas Of Life



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What Others Say About Training With "The APE Coach" Tyler Johnston, IIFYM Flexible Dieting and Fitness Nutrition Coaching

Jordan D, 23, Kitchener, CA

If you want a coach that really cares about you and your goals there is no one better for the job then Tyler!

One of the things that I like the most about Tyler is he sets you up to be able to live a healthy lifestyle and teaches you how to do it on your own unlike gyms where they will want to train with you every time which in the end I feel will make you rely on them to keep on track.

Your workouts always change which keeps you motivated to try new things it’s nice to know you’re not doing the same thing over and over.

In short if you’re looking to get fit, shred pounds or get that dream body for the summer months at a good price and do it with someone you can call your friend, Tyler is the person you need to train with!

Alex C, 21, Kitchener, CA

Tyler is an amazing personal trainer!

He personalizes your workouts and gives instructional videos to make working out easier.

Tyler is approachable with any issues you have about your health or any issues with workouts or meal plans.

I have allergies to certain foods and Tyler was able to cater to my problems. If you are ever tired of what you are eating, Tyler gives other alternatives and loves to cook! He gave me so many recipes that I still use in my regular meals and taste delicious!

Kevin A, 28, Baden, CA

I had hoped I could keep up with this and not fall off track again and Tyler has helped me do that. I also wasn’t sure how well I would do in a gym setting as I had never gone to one before by myself.

All of the positive feedback and support has been huge with keeping me on track. And the training plan has kept me focused especially with the help of the videos. I feel more confident at the gym and not lost.

My Top 2 goals when I started training were:
1. Lose weight/Gain muscle
2. Eat better

So far with training I have:
• Lost approximately 8 lbs
• Visible transformation in my body shape
• More endurance which has been hugely noticeable playing hockey
• Better understanding of healthy eating
• Gained confidence in my ability to start something and stick to it

Overall this has been an amazing experience so far and I would recommend Tyler as a trainer and this program to anyone who asks.

Alley N, 22, Guelph, CA

Before training with Tyler, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to adhere to the diet/ keep track of things but with the nutrition guide, information on macro tracking and macro updates I’ve been able to achieve some great results!

My Top 2 goals when I started training were:
1. Lose bodyfat/ get more toned
2. Gain more power and strength to translate into my sport.

So far with training I have:
• Gained strength and become more powerful
• I can see my body becoming tighter/ more toned
• Lost 6lbs of fat
• Become much more knowledgeable on fueling my body with the right macros.

Nicholas M, 19, Florida, USA

Before we started working together, I was a little hesitant on spending the money. I didn’t have a job at the time and I know that health is a number one priority for me, but I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to pay for this program and save up my money for other things in the year. But the cost turned out to be very reasonable and I made it happen!

My Top 2 goals when I started training were:
1. 6pack abs at 170lbs lean and cut
2. Healthy, vital, and a strong physical body

So far with training I have:
• Improvements in my back so much! It looks amazing!
• I know how to cook now and it’s awesome!
• I have well-rounded knowledge about health and fitness.
• I am more knowledgeable about exercise and nutrition.
• My strength has ridiculously improved, and I have higher stamina and endurance than ever before!

Exercise is now a lifestyle for me and I am seeing results in my body every week!

Tyler is awesome!


Tyler Johnston

"The APE Coach"

Trainer | Fitness Nutrition Coach

Alpha Physique Engineering


  • Founder and Head Training / Fitness Nutrition Coach at Alpha Physique Engineering
  • Certified Personal Training Specialist
  • Certified Fitness Nutrition Coach
  • Won 1st Place Men's Physique Medium at Guelph Mo-Muscle Classic
  • Placed 4th Men's Physique Medium at Ontario Natural Championships
  • Won 1st Place Mr. CHIN Fitness Model 2014
  • Nationally Qualified CBBF Natural Men's Physique Competitor
  • Holds Degrees in Psychology and Business Administration from Wilfrid Laurier University
  • Author and Creator of The APE Coach Presents Series: IIFYM Flexible Dieting Bodybuilding Guide

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Andrew Andrew

A logical, practical approach to fitness and nutrition that sets you up for success. I highly recommend this book!

Kevin Kevin

TONS on amazing information in this book. Expertly written by a great online and personal trainer. Would recommend to ANYONE looking to lose weight, build muscle and get healthy!

Juan Juan

Never met someone so knowledgable on fitness. This book is a MUST READ!

Matt Matt

Great read for anyone looking to make changes to their physique. Dieting is tough but once you understand the concepts it really can help you take it to the next level. I recommend this book to anyone and everyone!


A portion of the proceeds from every book sold will go to Nutrition for Learning to help ensure the children and youth here in Waterloo Region are able to go to school well nourished!


The Startling Facts:

  • 1/10 children arrives at school without enough food to sustain them an entire day.
  • 46% of Food Bank recipients in Waterloo Region are children.
  • 31% of Grade 4 students do not eat breakfast; by high school this ratio increases to 62%.
  • Childhood obesity has tripled since 1981 partially due to eating prepackaged convenience foods, high in salt, fat and sugars.
  • Children born after the year 2000 are expected to be the first generation to not outlive their parents.

Every child deserves the right to have breakfast, to have access to nutritious food to support them throughout the day.

Children don't get to choose their socioeconomic status when they are born, we are not all equal in our opportunities or resources, and by purchasing this book today, you are helping to give the children and youth in our community the opportunity for a better, healthier life.

Every one of you that purchases this book is helping to contribute to the nourishment of the youth in the local community.

So I would like to say Thank You So Much, from the bottom of my heart!

You are making a difference!

Thank You for Making a Difference!

The GOAL is to raise $2000+ to donate to Nutrition for Learning from book sales in order to be able to fund an entire NEW Nutrition for Learning program in a school in our community!

Please help make this a possibility by purchasing this book, gifting the book to friends and family, and spreading the word of this fantastic book and its impact to as many people as you can!

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